
Just a quick note to mention that MicaBytes is now on Patreon.

patreonYou can read the note on the site if interested – not all that much to add really. Over the years, people have occasionally asked me for some option to show support beyond just buying the game, but given my work situation, Kickstarter is not an option and I’m not all that keen on adding consumables to my games just for the sake of doing so (which has also been suggested). Patreon seems like an interesting alternative, though, and I had donation buttons in the game back during the first couple of years of development, and this is not all that different. So there it is.

Still not sure what kind of rewards to add, but I’m not going to charge for beta access, and I’m not going to pay less attention to your opinions depending on whether you pledge to the patreon or not, so don’t worry on that account. If you pledge, that’s wonderful – if not, that’s OK too. I appreciate all of your support.